BruSheff Solat Hajat for Summer Exams

On the 5th March, BruSheff organized a Solat Hajat as the exams prior our Summer term is nearing. It was also held at the Spectrum Centre. The solat was led by the guest of honour, Ustaz Haji Sammali bin Haji Adam, the religious officer of BSU. One of the programs also included was a recitation of the Holy Qur'an by one of the first year student in the University.

Arrival of Guest of Honour

Speech by the President of BruSheff

Qur'an recitation session by Adib Ajamain

The Male Jemaah

Ustaz Haji Sammali doing a motivational presentation

Closing the ceremony with handing in a gift of appreciation

On behalf of the BruSheff committee, we wish you all the very best in the exams! Amin
