World Week 2011: Thank You

The South-east Asian day of the world week went very well yesterday. The committee members would like to thank everyone who came yesterday and prepared for the event. We would like to relay our gratitude for:
  • those who was able to spare some time early morning yesterday to set-up the booth.
  • all of the wonderful suggestions, ideas, activities, comments and videos posted on the event page.
  • for those who helped in the preparation and materialization of the ideas last Tuesday night.
  • those who donated the Bruneian Dollars and I-Tunes Cards.
  • to those who brought their friends to our booth.
  • everyone who entertained the other students.
  • Basically to ALL of our members for sparing the time to be at the Union.
Towards the end of the day, I remembered talking to Aidil and his friends. "So basically every Bruneian knows every Bruneian in the University?", they asked. As I turned around the booth and saw how lively we are being at the booth, I realized how much each and everyone of us had made BruSheff, 'a home away from home'. You all are awesome. ;)

-Hadi Mohd Kamis.
