BruSheff Baju
Assalammualaikum everyone! :)
For the upcoming academic year, committee have decided to release only one baju for BruSheff that is sport shirts only. Insya Allah we now have the design already. For those who are interested to buy the baju, please fill in the spreadsheet below latest by SUNDAY, 19th AUGUST 2012 midnight.
For the upcoming academic year, committee have decided to release only one baju for BruSheff that is sport shirts only. Insya Allah we now have the design already. For those who are interested to buy the baju, please fill in the spreadsheet below latest by SUNDAY, 19th AUGUST 2012 midnight.
The baju is going to cost $18 and the type is dry fit.
For BruSheff member, if possible just IB the payment to the account below:
sort-code : 30-62-55
account number : 23613660
price : GBP 10.00 (due to withdrawal charge)
For those who want to pay by CASH, you just need to give your home address to Izzat Zaini. He is going to collect the money from your house. The last day for you to do the PAYMENT is on the 1ST SEPTEMBER 2012.
To the freshers, you can also buy the baju ;). As BruSheff selalu banyak events in UK ie sports, honestly speaking berguna pulang tu and beside you can wear to uni jua. Insya Allah. Lagipun at least you have something that reminds you yang dulu kamu pernah masuk BruSheff (Brunei-Sheffield Students in UK :D )
For BruSheff member, if possible just IB the payment to the account below:
sort-code : 30-62-55
account number : 23613660
price : GBP 10.00 (due to withdrawal charge)
For those who want to pay by CASH, you just need to give your home address to Izzat Zaini. He is going to collect the money from your house. The last day for you to do the PAYMENT is on the 1ST SEPTEMBER 2012.
To the freshers, you can also buy the baju ;). As BruSheff selalu banyak events in UK ie sports, honestly speaking berguna pulang tu and beside you can wear to uni jua. Insya Allah. Lagipun at least you have something that reminds you yang dulu kamu pernah masuk BruSheff (Brunei-Sheffield Students in UK :D )
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