Quranic Circle and Majlis Khatam Al-Quran Easter 2010

Salam, sorry for the last minute notice, the next Quranic Circle will be today, as follows:
Venue: 9 Bellefield Street (The crib of Shamil, Zul Imtiaz and Hadi)
Time: 6.30 to 8.30 PM
Date: Thursday, 10th December 2009
As usual:
1) Bring along your Al-Qur'aan (preferably with translation).
2) Shamil will be providing some Al-Qur'aan as well.
3) Food: No allocation. Feel free to bring any.

And I just received an email from the BruLeeds Assistant Religious Officer stating as shown below:
Firstly to introduce myself, I'm Hjh Norajimah, BruLeeds Assistant Religious Officer. I'm writing this to invite your society to our Majlis Khatam Al-Quran here in Leeds, which will be held some time in March or April, that is during Easter break insyaAllah.
This ceremony is held under BSU London's approval and Ustaz Hj Raminey will come over to Leeds to lead the event. The same Khatam ceremony will be held as well in London during Easter but Ustaz has given us some flexibility and the opportunity to have our own Khatam ceremony in Leeds so that we don't have to travel to London.
So to enliven this ceremony more, I would like to invite your society to join and participate the mentioned event. The proposed date is still under discussion but we will inform you as soon as we have confirmed everything. Hence, those who want to join the event will have to make their own recitations and complete it before the ceremony. So, if anyone is interested, please provide us with their names, contact numbers and their e-mail addresses, and how many people will be joining from your society. It would be helpful if you ask everyone to confirm as soon as they can, and if possible, please do get back to me before the end of December. If there are any enquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Hj Muhd Zaaim Hj Jamahat
Religious Officer
BruLeeds Society
Hjh Norajimah Hj Aji
Assistant Religious Officer
BruLeeds Society

Venue: Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Date: 11th December to 13th December (Friday to Sunday)
Time: 4.30 PM till 8.30 PM
For more information: [click here]
Images by google.
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