Religious Gathering - Quranic Circle

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Bismillahi Rahmanirahim,
My dearest Muslim friends and members of Brusheff,
May this email reach you in your best possible health, time and Iman. May Allah’s blessing be upon us all and let us strive to seek Allah’s mercy in every spheres of our daily life.
InsyaAllah next Quranic Circle will be tomorrow. Noted below are the details regarding this event.
Date: Thursday Night, 12th November 2009.
Time: 6.30pm-Onwards (We shall gather to pray Isya’ and then initiate the recital of the Quraan ).
Venue: 9 Bellefield Street (Zul, Hadi and Shamil).
Remember to bring along Qur’an (with translation preferred) and praying mates as well.
See you guys tomorrow!
It is an utmost priority in life that we always seek to establish an inextricable link between our intention and whatever we do in life. As this forms the basis of a mere action to be accepted and rewarded in the eyes of Allah SWT, we must always revise our intention, set it out right, and solely to seek Allah’s pleasure.
An interesting question one may ask, “What is our purpose in life?” or “What are we created for?”
Let us ponder what Allah is speaking and command us to do in Al-Dzariyat Chapter 51, verse 56:
‘I created the jinn and humans for nothing else but they may serve Me’
The point stressed here is that God created man to serve Him to the exclusion of everyone else. Man should serve God by virtue of the fact that He is a man’s Creator. Now since God alone is his Creator, what justification can there be for serving others?
Now, I’m quite certain that most from hearing this, knows what Allah ask us to do. But my friend, simply knowing that, will not put us anywhere near Him. Thus, we must strive hard to understand His Deen, and while sincerely devoting to His commandments, we also strive to reflect and portray this understanding in every spheres of our action. Only then will we satisfy the meaning of Islam, the true meaning of being a Muslim.
Ironically, man tends to hasten their desires to do anything without guidance from God. This is termed as “Self-worship”. Simply put, to be slave of one’s desires is worse than being a beast of the field. No animal will overstep the limits set by God. Every animal eats what has been fixed by God for it; it performs only those functions which are allotted to it. But such an animal is man that when he allows his desires to take over, he commits acts as would make Satan himself shudder.
Perhaps, a man with this kind of attitude may consider obedience and disobedience to be immaterial. Everything else he does take him away from the remembrance of Allah. Man’s own wishes and desires lead him astray. With this attitude one can never truly submit and acknowledge the laws of Allah SWT.
“And who is more astray than he who follows his own likes and dislikes without guidance from God. Surely God guides not the wrongdoers” (Al-Qasas 28:50)
Embrace all paths that will take us towards remembering Allah. The hidayah comes only when we strive to seek for it. Don’t expect miracle to happen and one day we will change. We must work on our faith and always try to stay in the righteous path.
O Allah, Direct us on the Straight Way, the way of those whom You have favoured.
May Allah guide us in everyday of our life .
Katakanlah: "Inilah jalanku dan orang-orang yang menurutku, menyeru manusia umumnya kepada ugama Allah dengan berdasarkan keterangan dan bukti yang jelas nyata. Dan aku menegaskan: Maha suci Allah (dari segala iktiqad dan perbuatan syirik); dan bukanlah aku dari golongan yang mempersekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu yang lain."
Image by google.
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