Quranic Circle and Christmas Lights

The next Quranic Circle will be tomorrow night same time and place as last week.
Date: Thursday Night, 19th November 2009
Time: 6.30 PM onwards (We shall gather to pray for the Isya' and then initiate the reictal of the Qur'an).
Venue: Aspect3 (Girls' Place)
Remember to bring along your Qur'an (with translation preferably) and prayer mats.
Ibn 'Umar reported that the Holy Prophet SAW said: "When you pass by the gardens of Paradise, avail yourselves of them." The Companions asked: "What are the gardens of Paradise, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: The circles of dhikr( where one praises Allah). [Tirmidhi]

This upcoming Sunday the 22nd. There will be an event of Christmas Lights in the City Centre: performances and different kind of arts.
Date: Sunday, 22nd November 2009
Time: 1.00 PM to 5.30 PM
Venue: Sheffield City Centre (Town Hall, Winter Garden, The Moor, Fargate, etc.)
For more information: [click here]
Images by Google.
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