BSUnion Winter Games Badminton

On behalf of Aainaa Idris (BruSheff Vice President),
"Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera,
You might have already received a facebook message about BSUnion Winter Games Badminton Poll and "Mengkhatamkan Al-Quran". However, just so everyone is well informed, you can find the details below.
To those (both the LADIES AND GENTS =D) who are keen in the game of badminton, I strongly encourage you to do the Badminton Poll and participate should they decide to include badminton in this year's Winter Games which normally take place on a Saturday sometime in December) Looks like people are voting for yes! :D
I suspect that BruSheff will once again be participating in this year's Winter Games football tournament. So, I'll give an update about it again once the official date is announced. If you are interested to know more about BruSheff football team, I suggest you talk to the senior gentlemen about it e.g. Mizi, Zyden, etc or you could send me an email and I'll forward it to them :)
Regarding Sheffield University International League, Mizi will has kindly volunteered to take care of the registration. Thanks Mizi! So again, if you got any queries do not hesitate to contact Mizi or me (the quickest and easiest way would be through facebook of course :D)
Best Regards,
Aainaa Idris
Brusheff VP/Sports Officer 09-10"
Updated email from her:
The Badminton Poll has actually been closed. =S
My bad! Nevertheless,the results do show that there's a good chance they'll include badminton in this year's winter games.. :) "
Best Regards;
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