
Showing posts from October, 2009

After Dark, Fireworks and Disney on Ice

An excerpt from Sheffield Events Company ( Link ) : After Dark is Yorkshire’s No 1 Fireworks Spectacular attracting up to 18,000 people each year. The event is staged at the purpose built Don Valley Grass Bowl which is easily accessible from junction 34 of the M1 and attracts visitors from across the region. This years event is sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors and we are pleased to be working with Travel South Yorkshire who are encouraging event goers to leave their cars at home and get there by bus, tram and train. Please see full details here . Celebrate the demise of Guy Fawkes and his cronies at the After Dark fireworks spectacular at Sheffield's Don Valley Grass Bowl. Attractions include a bonfire, family funfair, fire jugglers, music by Real Radio to accompany the display, food and drink. when: 5 Nov 2009 (annual) where: Don Valley Stadium cost: £8 time: 5.30pm-10pm; Bonfire 7pm; Fireworks 8.30pm More information : [ click here ] This latest Disney on Ice installment ...

BSUnion Winter Games Badminton

On behalf of Aainaa Idris (BruSheff Vice President), "Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera, You might have already received a facebook message about BSUnion Winter Games Badminton Poll and "Mengkhatamkan Al-Quran". However, just so everyone is well informed, you can find the details below. To those (both the LADIES AND GENTS =D) who are keen in the game of badminton, I strongly encourage you to do the Badminton Poll and participate should they decide to include badminton in this year's Winter Games which normally take place on a Saturday sometime in December) Looks like people are voting for yes! :D I suspect that BruSheff will once again be participating in this year's Winter Games football tournament. So, I'll give an update about it again once the official date is announced. If you are interested to know more about BruSheff football team, I suggest you talk to the senior gentlemen about it e.g. Mizi, Zyden, etc or you could send me an email and I'll for...

Religious Gathering - Quranic Circle

Assalamualaikum, On behalf of Shamil Rahman (BruSheff Senior Religious Officer): The next Quranic Circle will be held again tomorrow night, details are as follow: Venue: Aspect 3 Flat A3 (Ikmal, Khiari, Fadhlan, Yud and Nash's crib) Time: 6.30 PM onwards (Before Isya') Date: Thursday night (Malam Jumaat) 29th October 2009 Other notes: 1) Bring along your Al-Qur'aan (preferably with translation). 2) Shamil will be providing some Al-Qur'aan as well. 3) Food: No allocation. Feel free to bring any. Courtesy of Shamil Rahman: Allah says: “Say: O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Sûrah al-Zumar: 53] "Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." [Sûrah Hijr : 49] Ibn 'Umar reported that the Holy Prophet SAW said: "When you pass by the gardens of Paradise, avail yourselves of them." The Companions asked: ...

Brunei Sheffield Students’ Society Constitution

1. The aims and objectives of the society: a) To promote studying in the University of Sheffield to Bruneians and serve as an official representative for the university. b) To serve as a focal point for current and prospective Bruneian students studying in Sheffield. c) To monitor students' welfare and education and promote an active environment for its members through social activities and gatherings. d) To enhance awareness about Brunei Darussalam by promoting the Bruneian tradition and culture to other students of different nationalities and backgrounds. 2. Membership of the society: a) Membership of the society is opened to all individuals regardless of nationality, race, religion or social background who take an interest in the society. b) Membership fee shall be decided at the start of every new academic year by the committee. c) Existing members are required to renew their membership fees at the start of every new academic year. d) Membership fees are non-refundable. 3. Annu...

New BruSheff Committee 2009-2010

Here are your new BruSheff Committee members for 09-10: o President: Mohammad Khiari Hj Yakob o Vice President/Sports Officer: Dk Aainaa Majidah Pg Hj Idris o Secretary: Ridha Wadiah Ibrahim o Webmaster/Information Officer: Md Iqmarul Alimin Md Sambri o Treasurer: NurAmaliah Hj Jamaludin o Social and Welfare Officer: Dorren Naia o Logistic and Planning: Zul Imtiaz Him o Senior Religious Officer: Ahmad Shamil Hj Abd Rahman o 3rd Year Student Representative: ‘Izzul Hamzi Jomari o 1st Year Representative: Mohammad Fadhlan Hj Yakob o 1st Year Representative: Iliyana Melissa Md Husain o Religious Officer: Nashrul Adli Hj Ahmad o Hallam Representative: Md Akmal Hanis Hj Jefri

Religious Gathering - Quranic Cycle

Assalamualaikum, hope all is well with you all. On behalf of Shamil Rahman (BruSheff Senior Religious Officer): A religious gathering is to be held every Thursday night. Feel free and delighted to join The Quranic Circle, details are as follow: Venue: 9, Bellefield Street Time: 7.45 PM onwards (After Isya') Date: Every Thursday night (Malam Jumaat) starting 22nd October 2009 Other notes: 1) Bring along your Al-Qur'aan (preferably with translation). 2) Shamil will be providing some Al-Qur'aan as well. 3) Food: No allocation and obligation. Bring any light refreshments. Courtesy of Shamil Rahman: Allah says: “Say: O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Sûrah al-Zumar: 53] "Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." [Sûrah Hijr : 49] Ibn 'Umar reported that the Holy Prophet SAW said: "When you pass by the garde...

Sambutan Hari Raya BRUSHEFF

Sambutan Hari Raya BRU SHEFF Tempat: Aspect 3 Flat A3 Masa: 6.30pm - 10.00pm Tarikh: 14 hb Oktober 2009, Rabu Pakaian: Tradisional/Smart Aturcara Majlis: Doa Selamat, Sesi memperkenalkan diri penuntut baru(1st years & master students), Sesi memperkenalkan diri penuntut 2nd year(calon-calon President), Pengundian President baru BruSheff, Sesi bergambar penuntut BruSheff dan Lucky Draw. PENTING: Sila sediakan wang pembayaran bagi membership fee tahunan 'BRUSHEFF Society' sebanyak £4.00 seorang.

BruSheff New Presidential Election

Here are the profiles of 8 eligible University of Sheffield students (in alphabetical order) for you to get to know and decide before the election process proceeds further: Profile 1: Name: Ahmad Shamil bin Haji Abdul Rahman Age: 20 Course: 2nd year BEng Systems & Control Engineering Top 5 Achievements/Experiences/Honours: - Awarded Ministry of Education Scholarship '08-'09. - Commitee Member of KI (KEM IBADAH) event in Brunei Hall, '08. - Participated as a volunteer in a day event with the disabled and handicapped in Pusat Ehsan. - First BruSheff Religious Officer, '08-'09. - Involved in Kristal FM Interview on 'Being proud as a Muslim'. Profile 2: Name: Dk Aainaa Majidah bte Pg Haji Idris Age: 21 Course: 2nd year BSc Computer Science and Mathematics Top 5 best Achievements/Experiences/Honours: - Duke of Edinburgh Award '06/'07. - Brusheff 1st Year Student Representative '08/'09. - A-Level Special Scheme '06/'07 (Chelt...