New BruSheff Committee 2008-2009
Here are your new BruSheff Committee members for 08-09:

***IMPORTANT***: Committee members are requested to send their photos to latest by Saturday, 1st November 2008.
o President: ‘Izzul Hamzi Jomari
o Treasurer/Webmaster: Ak Muhd Hisyam Azizi Pg Hj Samsul
o Logistic and Planning: Mohammad Khairol Azmie Haji Awang Abdullah
o Social and Welfare Officer: Ahmad Za’iemaddien Pehin Dato Haji Halbi
o Social and Welfare Officer: Ainal Marliza Abu Bakar
o Religious Officer: Ahmad Shamil Hj Abd Rahman
o 3rd Year Student Representative: Wan Farhan Hj Ibrahim
o 1st Year Representative: Mohammad Khiari Hj Yakob

o 1st Year Representative: Dk Aainaa Majidah Pg Hj Idris
***IMPORTANT***: Committee members are requested to send their photos to latest by Saturday, 1st November 2008.
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