BruSheff Leavers' Appreciation Night 2013

The 8th of June marks the day the BruSheff committee had set up an appreciation dinner for the leavers this year. Set in a local community centre at Broomspring Lane just a block away from the Students Union building, the committee had 65 in total from a handful of leavers as well as guests from different years. The Poster for the Event The event had been set up with live performances from BruSheff's very renown and talented singer, Amin Nordin, who has recently performed a phenomenal job with University of Sheffield's SUPAS at their recent debut. Games were also set up to liven up the guests and also to accommodate the guests' time with some interactivity between each other. A video was also set up by the committee and then played just after the dinner. The video was a compilation of interview videos of some of the leavers. To conclude the night, a speech by Khairi Isnon Ismail was also set up. His speech had induced some nostalgic moments from his time in ...