
Showing posts from June, 2010

BruSheff 2009-2010

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! :) On behalf of BruSheff, I would like to thank you all for everything that we have been through, thick and thin for the couple of years. All said and done, it has been so much fun for everyone. Have a great summer everybody! All the best wishes for those who will be graduating this year and good luck in your future endeavors :) Every goodbye makes the hello closer. See you all around. Salam. Regards, BruSheff 09-10

Quranic Circle and BruSheff Farewell Dinner '10

Salam and hi everyone! :) On behalf of our Senior Religious Officer, Shamil Rahman: the next Quranic Circle will be held on this 12th June: Date: Saturday, 12th June 2010 Time: 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM Venue: 9 Bellefield Street As usual: 1) Bring along your Al-Qur'aan (preferably with translation). 2) Shamil will be providing some Al-Qur'aan as well. 3) Food: No allocation. Feel free to bring any. *********************************************************** And on behalf of BruSheff Secretary, Ridha Wadiah Ibrahim: as a quick reminder to you all, the BruSheff Farewell Dinner will be held on this 11th June: Date: Friday, 11th June 2010 Time: 7 PM -11PM Dress Code: Formal Clothing OR Brusheff Polo Location: Kinaara Restaurant (Chinese, Indian and Thai cuisine) 261 Staniforth Road Darnall, Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 3FP UPDATE: Just to remind you all for tomorrow event: BruSheff Farewell Dinner '10, please bring cash of around 18 pounds (an additional maximum of 3 pou...