Salam and hi everyone! :) On behalf of our Senior Religious Officer, Shamil Rahman: the next Quranic Circle will be held on this 12th June: Date: Saturday, 12th June 2010 Time: 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM Venue: 9 Bellefield Street As usual: 1) Bring along your Al-Qur'aan (preferably with translation). 2) Shamil will be providing some Al-Qur'aan as well. 3) Food: No allocation. Feel free to bring any. *********************************************************** And on behalf of BruSheff Secretary, Ridha Wadiah Ibrahim: as a quick reminder to you all, the BruSheff Farewell Dinner will be held on this 11th June: Date: Friday, 11th June 2010 Time: 7 PM -11PM Dress Code: Formal Clothing OR Brusheff Polo Location: Kinaara Restaurant (Chinese, Indian and Thai cuisine) 261 Staniforth Road Darnall, Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 3FP UPDATE: Just to remind you all for tomorrow event: BruSheff Farewell Dinner '10, please bring cash of around 18 pounds (an additional maximum of 3 pou...